Product Sense Questions
- If you were PM for XX product how would you build it
- Let’s say you’re a local supermarket chain (specific) and you are starting to see the same stores decline where Blue Apron and Instacart have high penetration, what would you do?
- As a PM for the supermarket, how would you think about building products or features to better serve people’s needs?
- List here from:
Example Answers:
Meta Final:
Meta Second round:
Product Sense Signals (What Interviewer is looking for)
Product motivation and context
- Displays a solid understanding of the relevant product landscape as well as both internal and external factors. Defines a product’s purpose and the motivation for the product
Determining Target Audience
- Utilizes relevant criteria to define a target audience and provides rationales for why a specific audience has been identified. Provides pertinent criteria to define user segmentation and prioritize target audience
Problem Identification
- Identifies the set of problems faced by a product’s target users and prioritizes and provides rationale for the most important problems to solve
Solution Development
- Demonstrates creativity in exploring potential (yet feasible) solutions. Prioritizes features that drive value and product market fit. Aligns solutions with organizational values (eg reliable, detail-oriented, simple)
Product Sense Framework:
- Break down the question - take the question apart, break down big ambiguous ideas, ask why, and clarify. Set placeholders if the interviewer doesn’t have the answer.
- E.g. How would you improve Spotify?
- Q: By improve, do we mean experience? Revenue? Retention? What’s improve in this context?
- Q: By Spotify, are we talking about Spotify as a company? or the App?
- Q: What timeline are we talking about here?