Part 1: Your Resume is a Brochure, Not a Menu

When students send through their CVs for feedback, there's one common mistake that shows up every time: too much information. Writing a good CV is about knowing exactly what the company is looking for and delivering that. I break down how to go about it in the video below:

The Three Key Principles

To ensure your CV is going to get the manager's attention and land you an interview, there are three key principles that work every time:

A succinct, outcomes-focused resume is just the start. If you're still sending the same CV to every company you apply for - you're doing it completely wrong. The extra bit of time and effort it takes to craft your unique origin story is usually what separates your CV from all the other applications.

Part 2: Coming up with your Origin Story

A strong resume is always paired with a strong cover letter. Not tailoring your CV and cover letter to the company you're applying for automatically sends your resume to the back of the list.