Mindsets: Clarifying questions for Business context
- Break down each keyword in the question (e.g. Fitness, what type of fitness?)
- Talk about the macro-trends: risks, changes, regulatory, mobile device, diversify revenue stream
- Where is this product in its product lifecycle?
- Are we talking about the whole product or specific features?
- Are we looking at all platforms or specific platforms?
- Are we looking at all markets? Or specific markets?
- What is the timeframe?
Customer segments
Features: Users | Customers | Stakeholders
Come up with multiple critierias and prioritise
Double-sided Platforms: Creators and Consumers
Focus on the player that has the most amount of participants in the market (e.g. consumers)
- Think of it like a bell curve
Customer journey and pain points
- What is the customer journey?
- Trigger (e.g up coming holiday.)
- Action (e.g plan / book)
- Reward (e.g travel)
- Investment (e.g share)
- Pain points: Make the interviewer FEEL the pain. Great products solve HEARTFELT problems.
- Security | Attention | Control | Meaning & Purpose | Privacy | Belong | Intimacy | Status | Achievements
- Customer Segments:
- By Customer Demographic: Age, Gender, Social-econimic , maritial status
- By Interests / Goals / JTBD / Pain points
- By Usage Patterns: Frequent, Occasional, New, Urgent
- By Technology / Platforms / Channels
- Prioritise:
- Reach | Customer Impact | Mission Aligned (S,M,L)
- Frequency | Pain level |
Product Vision: